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Houston Climbs 没有. 9 in New Ranking of Best Cities in America

Published Jun 07, 2023 by Brina Morales

Houston Skyline cropped

休斯顿在今年的榜单上再次攀升 America's Best Cities 没有. 从No到9. 去年11, drawing praise for its culture, 多样性, restaurant scene and number of Fortune 500 headquarters.

The annual 报告 by Resonance Consultancy, an international consulting firm, describes Houston as "America's stealthy powerhouse on the rise,他指出,这座城市的国内和国际移民人数众多, international festivals, and ethnically diverse population and food scene. According to the Partnership's latest 全球休斯顿 报告, international migration surged in 2022, 占该地区人口增长的最大份额.

近年来,休斯顿在美国最佳城市排行榜上稳步攀升. In 2022, it ranked 11th compared to 17th in 2021. 最新的报告还强调了休斯敦如何通过投资未来的航空航天来恢复其作为太空城的地位. 其中一个重要的投资和经济发展项目是休斯顿太空港, one of only 10 FAA-licensed commercial spaceports in the U.S., and the only one in an urban location, just outside of downtown. According to the 报告, 太空港的租户已经获得了近40亿美元的新合同. 该太空港的三家主要租户是柯林斯航空航天公司、公理空间公司和直觉机器公司. 

该报告还称赞了休斯顿的生活成本调整后收入,并在财富500强企业中排名第四. Fortune recently released its 2023 Fortune 500 list,将德克萨斯州列为拥有最多财富500强总部的州. The greater Houston metro area has the second-largest hub of Fortune 500 headquarters with a total of 25.

《Hga010皇冠软件下载》还介绍了Hamsa、Casa Nomad和Urbe等在疫情后开业的餐厅. 2022年,大休斯顿地区获得了10项詹姆斯比尔德奖的半决赛提名. 最近,休斯顿厨师Benchawan Jabthong Painter和Street to Kitchen餐厅的老板赢了 Best Chef in the Texas category in this year's James Beard Awards.

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Economic Development

Fulshear Lands as Second Fastest-Growing City in Nation

Fulshear, a bustling community in Fort Bend County, has seen significant growth, emerging as the second fastest-growing city in the nation. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Fulshear’s population increased by 25.6 percent in 2023. 大休斯顿伙伴关系的月度报告还显示,自2021年以来,富尔希尔的人口增长了70%以上, 超过42个,000居民.   To accommodate the ongoing growth, numerous new projects are in development, offering residents places to live, 工作和娱乐. Among these is Fulshear Junction, a recently announced 126.9-acre mixed-use development. Situated north of FM 1093 and west of Wallis Street, 该项目将带来251个单户住宅,并以各种商店为特色, 餐厅, 办公室, 公园, recreational areas and a daycare facility, according to Community Impact.   单击展开 另外, Fulshear网关, a 20,000 square foot 零售 center, 最近在沃利斯路和fm359的交叉口破土动工, near the city’s downtown district. The development will have three buildings, featuring a mix of 餐厅, 零售, medical and beauty services. 根据社区影响,预计建设将于2025年完成.   单击展开 与此同时, 开发商还通过推出总体规划社区来满足需求,解决新居民涌入的问题. 十字溪西(Cross Creek West)是一个占地1258英亩的开发项目,建成后将增加3000多套住房. 此外,占地3200英亩的Cross Creek Ranch社区将为该地区带来5000多户家庭.  To continue to draw people, businesses and developers to the area, 该市最近提出了一项近7000万美元的资本改善计划,用于2024-25财年的项目. The plan encompasses various projects, including drainage, 设施, 公园 and technology, streets and traffic, water and wastewater initiatives. 值得注意的是, the plan allocates the largest portion of funding, $40.82 million, to wastewater projects. 拟议的排水资金包括市区东区排水项目, 该项目旨在消除企业现场拘留的必要性. 另外, the city is also working to add concrete paving, 从FM 1093到第五街的步行街广场和街道停车场, making the area more walkable. 哈里斯街的建设将于今年夏天开始,预计将于2025年完工. “[We are] hoping to see that mixed-use lifestyle type of place, 在哪里Hga010皇冠软件下载将有零售店和餐馆,以及为Hga010皇冠软件下载年轻的家庭做的事情, our teenagers—really everyone of all ages,” said Annel Guadalupe, 富尔希尔发展公司经济发展部主任在一份声明中说. “We’re starting with Harris Street, but the hope is to really do all of downtown, one street at a time, so we can really see that come to life.”  Discover more about the ongoing growth in Fulshear. 


Once characterized by its rural charm and agricultural heritage, 春天的分支, nestled within the heart of Houston, has undergone a significant transformation, evolving into a bustling community.  Over the past decade, 春天的分支 has seen a notable surge in population, 从107开始,271 to 120,667居民, according to the 春天的分支 Management District (SBMD). 坐落在休斯敦主干道的十字路口- 10号州际公路, 环城公路8, 290号高速公路和610环路-春分支提供了一些城市最繁忙的地区. 该地区也处于皇冠HGA010官方下载走廊、市中心和纪念馆附近的战略位置. This substantial growth, coupled with seamless urban connectivity, 是否将其定位为吸引新开发项目和商业活动的目的地.   单击展开 Witte Road Redevelopment Project 去年,威特道重建项目完成,改造了一个以前的1.位于威特路和西景路的53英亩的仓库变成了社区餐饮和零售的热点. 该开发项目以两个旗舰Underbelly Hospitality概念为特色, Wild Oats and Underbelly Burger, alongside The Decoy, an expansive outdoor bar with sand volleyball courts.  Houston-based Newfound Partners, a new commercial real estate firm, also recently redeveloped a 28,威特路1106号500平方英尺的工业大楼改造成了一座创新的, single-level office development. 这座建筑现在是新发现的总部,也是坎农菲尔德的所在地, 莱格公司, On Point Custom 首页s and more.   单击展开 MarqE Entertainment Center 与此同时,春天的分支的烹饪界也因新皇冠HGA010官方下载而蓬勃发展. 值得注意的是, 克里斯汀•哈, winner of MasterChef season three, unveiled Stuffed Belly, a novel drive-thru sandwich concept, 去年. 飞行员披萨 & Drafthouse and SeaSide Poke were unveiled this year as the latest additions to 春天的分支's MarqE Entertainment Center. 另外, 深受人们喜爱的高地手卷寿司店Hando和Urban Eats的老板新开的咖啡馆, 被称为盐 & Sugar, are expanding into the area.   单击展开 春天的分支 Trail Amid ongoing growth and development, 春天的分支继续致力于通过改善公园来提高生活质量, green spaces and trails. SBMD最近宣布,将于今年夏天开始建设一段1英里长的混凝土路段,该路段将连接两条现有的徒步和自行车道——Emnora和春天的分支.   Slated for completion in 2025, 该项目标志着SBMD将8号环城公路附近的Addicks水库与白橡树湾绿道连接起来的综合战略的第三阶段. The initial phase, finalized in 2020, introduced the 2.4-mile 春天的分支 Trail, 一旦附近的公用事业塔工作结束,第二阶段将扩大这条小径.  单击展开 Haden Park Rendering 另外, SBMD is working to revitalize Haden Park, 占地13英亩,位于长角和维特路的东北角. According to SBMB’s 2024 Master Plan, 这个项目, slated to begin construction in 2025, will add an event lawn, 狗公园, 飞溅垫, 树屋, pickleball法院, playgrounds and public art installations, alongside other improvements to existing infrastructure.  Discover Houston’s neighborhoods and communities.  


Economic Development

Future of Global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Conference Presented by Shell USA, 公司.

The Greater Houston Partnership, 休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议(HETI)和休斯顿未来中心邀请您参加壳牌美国公司举办的年度全球皇冠HGA010官方下载未来, 公司. …

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